
2025-01-27 03:00:00 EST
Conductivity 2.61 S/m
Current Direction 218.762 SW °
Current Speed 29.2826 mm/s
Depth 0.000 dm
Fluorescence 36.17 µg/L
Latitude 4345.6649 °
Longitude 6959.2932 °
Nitrate 0.0 µM
Salinity 31.07 PSU
Temperature 0.06 C
Turbidity 0.00 NTU
Battery Voltage 11.5 V

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Google Earth
Google Earth

Tracking real-time data from this LOBO node in Google Earth is easy. Download and install the latest version of Google Earth here. Then, click on this link:

If Google Earth has been registered as a valid application type in your browser, you are done. If not, simply right-click the link, save as a file to your Desktop, and then File->Open in Google Earth to load it.

Google Earth